Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon
- Date:
- 8th Jan 2017(sun)
- Registration period:
- 1 Oct 2016(sat) - 30 Nov 2016(wed)
- Venue:
- Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima
-Run alongside a course surrounded by early blooming spring rape blossoms
-Time limit: 8 hours
-This is Japan's earliest official citizen's marathon
This is the earliest official citizen's marathon for the year in Japan, held in January and each category sells out. The time limit is 8 hours.
The course is up and down with an elevation change of up to 100m. The race takes its name from the expansive fields of yellow rape blossoms surrounding Lake Ikeda (Kyushu's largest lake). You'll see Mount Kaimon (known as the Fuji of Satsuma), Japan's largest flower park Flower Park Kagoshima, and various other local attractions. Generous local supporters provide runners with pork and vegetable soup, freshly harvested cherry tomatoes and other local dishes. Aid stations will be set up at the 7.5km mark and every 2.5km thereafter (total of 14 stations) where water, bananas, rock sugar and sweet potatoes will be provided.
When you've reached the finish line, why not enjoy some of Japan's famous natural sand onsens (sand hot springs) to relieve your muscles and tired body.
Category | Start time | Registration Fee (and period) |
Status |
01)Full marathon : male (age 19-29) [elite:A] 01)フルマラソン:男子(19~29歳)【エリートA】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
02)Full marathon : male (age 30-39) [elite:B] 02)フルマラソン:男子(30代)【エリートB】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
03)Full marathon : male (age 40-49) [masters:A] 03)フルマラソン:男子(40代)【マスターズA】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
04)Full marathon : male (age 50-59) [masters:B] 04)フルマラソン:男子(50代)【マスターズB】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
05)Full marathon : male (age 60-69) [veteran:A] 05)フルマラソン:男子(60代)【ベテランA】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
06)Full marathon : male (age 70 or older) [veteran:B] 06)フルマラソン:男子(70歳以上)【ベテランB】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
07)Full marathon : female (age 19-29) [ladies:A] 07)フルマラソン:女子(19~29歳)【レディースA】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
08)Full marathon : female (age 30-39) [ladies:B] 08)フルマラソン:女子(30代)【レディースB】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
09)Full marathon : female (age 40-49) [queens:A] 09)フルマラソン:女子(40代)【クイーンズA】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
10)Full marathon : female (age 50-59) [queenss:B] 10)フルマラソン:女子(50代)【クイーンズB】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
11)Full marathon : female (age 60 or older) [pearl] 11)フルマラソン:女子(60歳以上)【パール】 |
9:00 | 5,000JPY | Close |
Date | Sunday, Jan 08, 2017 |
Eligible entrants | 19 years or older (From 1 April 1988) / Time limit of 8 hours |
Start venue | Kagoshima Prefecture, Ibusuki City, Ibusuki City Athletics Stadium |
Registration period | Oct 01, 2016 - Nov 30, 2016 |
Administrative office | (Public Corporation) Ibusuki City Tourism Association Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon Executive Committeen |
Office Address | Zip/Postalcode:891-0405 2-5-33, Minato, Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima, 891-0405, Japan Tel:0993-22-2550 Fax:0993-22-3884 (Available weekdays 9am to 5pm - excluding weekends and national holidays) Email address:nanohana@basil.ocn.ne.jp |
Website | http://www.ibusuki-nanohana.com/ |
Entry Office | Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon Entry office (in Sports Entry) |
Office Address | Zip/Postalcode:880-8691 Miyazaki Central Post Office Private Box 33 Tel:0120-711-951 (Available weekdays 10am to 5:30pm - excluding weekends and national holidays) https://www.sportsentry.ne.jp/inquiry/en |
Course description | up and down, Kyushu's largest lake (Lake Ikeda), Mount Kaimondake (The Mount Fuji of Satsuma) are some of the features you'll enjoy on this great course. |
Registration venue | Ibusuki municipal athletics stadium |
Registration time (day before) | 14:00~17:30 |
Registration time (on the day) | 6:30~8:00 |
Time limit / Cut-off points | Time limit: 8 hours Cut-off points: 29km mark by 3pm (6 hours), 35km mark by 4pm (7 hours) Time limit and cut off points are based on the starting gun. If you do not make the cut-off points within the time limit, race staff will stop you from completing the race. Your race number will be removed and you will be disqualified from the race. |
Distance markers | Every 5km |
Water stations | 14 water stations - every 7.5km |
Time keeping | Yes Start and interval times will be calculate the net time (which will later by publicly available on the internet after the race). However the official race time (in chronological order) is the gross time will be referenced by the net time. |
Awards | Each age category 1st - 6th place getters |
Special prize categories | Foreign visitor award, Oldest participant award, Couple award, Sister City Award, Jump award (the 500th place getter) Major prizes (Honolulu Marathon invitation, Seoul 2 night/3day travel voucher, Chitose JAL International Marathon invitation) |
Completion certification | Race finishers can pick up their completion certificate until 6pm from the race information tent (only avilable on race day) |
Participant race goods | T-shirt, Udon (soba), rice ball (onigiri), sweet red bean soup, sweet potato |
Freebie | Onsen entry discount coupon |
Lottery | Yes (Honolulu Marathon, Seoul travel voucher) |
Stalls | Yes (sports equipment, specialty goods) |
Transport information | (Train) 20 min walk or 7 min bus ride from Ibusuki station (JR Ibusuki Makurazaki line) (Bus) 20min walk from Ibusuki bus stop, or 5min walk from Gatayama bus stop (Car) 1hr 10min from Taniyama Interchange |
Shuttle bus | Shuttle bus will run from JR Ibusuki station |
Parking | Approx. 5000 vehicles (free) |
Accommodation infromation | JTB Convention Support Centre (Office agent window/counter) JTB Convention Support Centre Nanohama Marathon Zip/Postalcode: 810-0072 1-1-35 Shin KBC Bld.6, Nagahama, Chuo-ku Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka, 810-0072, Japan TEL: 092-751-2102 FAX: 092-751-4098 Business hours: Monday to Friday 9:30 - 5:30 (Closed weekends, national holidays and 30 Dec - 3 Jan) |
Accommodation application deadline | Friday 11 November 2016 |
Number of participants last year | Total 17, 522 |
Number card (race number bibs) | Number card (race number bibs) will be distributed on the day before and day of the race. You will need to exchange your race card number to receive the race number bib |
Valuable items/property storage | Available. Only valuable items will be looked after. All other items and luggages are to be placed inside the gymnasium floor - Sun City Hall |
Mizuno Running Workshop | Date: 7 January 2017 (Saturday) 2pm (2 hours) Fee: Free Venue: City Municipal Hall |
Insurance | Sports injuries will be covered by insurance. This will apply to injuries and does not conditions such as heart failure |
Race Rules and points to note | 1. This race is organised in accordance with the Japan Association of Athletics Federations rules. 2. The race number bib will be provided and distributed by the race organiser at the time of registration. 3. To ensure participant safety, the maarathon will start in waves based on the order of the times as self-reported by each particpants. Previous race times will also be considered for wave starts. Wave starts will be announced. Please start in the wave that you have been designated by race attendants on the day. 4. In the interest of health and safety, you should receive consult a doctor before race day for medical clearance. Race is entered at your own risk (please be sure to being your health insurance card). 5. Race organisers are not responsibility for injury or loss or any other accident, or emergency treatment You are responsible for your own health. As the race organiser, we hope that everyone has an inidividual health check up including ECG 6. During the race, participants may be stopped in order to give priority way and yield to any emergency vehicles 7. Participants are to run on the left hand side of the road. When overtaking another race, please do not cross over the centre line. 8. Throughout the race, please follow the instructions of police officers and race directors 9. Road traffic closure will be lifted after 7 hours (at 4pm), after which time, please follow the instructions of race directors and use the footpath. 10. The race organiser reserves the right and ownership to use any footage taken during the course of the race including videos, photos, articles, recordings, reports, magazines, internet, advertisements etc. 11. Please be prepared for bad weather, cold conditions and rain. |
registration deadline | Deadline for post office money transfer: Monday 31 October 2016 Online application deadline: Wednesday 11 November 2016 |
Participant notification form | Participant notification/confirmation form including your number card / race bib exchange card will be sent out in later December. Any queries should be directed to the race committee below: Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon Race Organising Executive Committee Tel 0990-22-2550 (Weekdays 9-5, excluding weekends and national holidays) |
Registration contract |
※Not available in English. Please enter in Japanese. <申込規約> 参加者は下記の申込規約に必ず同意の上、お申し込みください。 1.自己都合による申し込み後のキャンセルはできません。 2.年齢・性別の虚偽申告、申込者本人以外の出場(代理出走)は認めません。その場合出場が取り消されます。 3.地震・風水害・降雪・荒天・事件・事故・疫病などによる中止の場合、参加料・手数料の返金は行いません。 4.上記1・2の場合、または過剰入金・重複入金の返金はいたしません。 5.大会の映像・写真・記事・記録等(において氏名・年齢・性別・記録・肖像等の個人情報)が新聞・テレビ・雑誌・インターネット・パンフレット・DVD・CM等に報道・掲載・利用されることを承諾します。また、その掲載権・使用権は主催者に属します。 6.主催者は傷病や紛失、その他の事故が発生した場合、保険に加入している範囲内で補償し、応急処置以外の責は負えません。心不全等には適用されませんのでご了承下さい。 7.私は、大会開催中の事故、紛失、傷病等に関し、主催者の責任を免除し、損害賠償等の請求を行いません。 8.私は、大会開催中に主催者より競技続行に支障があると判断された場合、主催者の競技中止の指示に直ちに従います。また、その他、主催者の安全管理・大会運営上の指示に従います。 9.個人情報の取扱いについては、個人情報の項に基づきます。 10.主催者は、上記の申込規約の他、本大会規約に則って開催します。 |
Personal information |
※Not available in English. Please enter in Japanese. <個人情報の取扱いについて> 主催者は、個人情報の重要性を認識し、個人情報の保護に関する法律及び関連法令等を厳守し、主催者の個人情報保護方針に基づき、個人情報を取り扱います。取得した個人情報は、大会参加者へのサービス向上を目的とし、参加案内、記録通知、関連情報の通知、次回大会の案内、大会協賛・協力・関係各団体からのサービスの提供、記録発表(ランキング等)に利用いたします。これ以外の利用はいたしません。また、主催者もしくは委託先からの申込内容に関する確認連絡及び番組制作に係る取材等での連絡をさせていただくことがあります。 |
Sports Entry Reccomend
This page is a selection of sports events in Japan recommended for the international community. This feature event is Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon. The information on this page independently collected and created by SportsEntry
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