We really glad that you choose for the first event in Japan.
And thank you for considering the order of the original jersey.
It's such an honor to be told that!!
About selling jerseys, you can buy it even on the day.(price current ¥10,100)
In that case, we will send it to the registered address 1 month later.
If you wish to order, please come to the information!
You can choose the size at that time.
~ ツール・ド・ニッポン2018 ~ 戦国ヒルクライム in 韮崎・甘利山のクチコミ
『Let’s have fun!』への返信
We really glad that you choose for the first event in Japan.
And thank you for considering the order of the original jersey.
It's such an honor to be told that!!
About selling jerseys, you can buy it even on the day.(price current ¥10,100)
In that case, we will send it to the registered address 1 month later.
If you wish to order, please come to the information!
You can choose the size at that time.
Thank you for your consideration.
We are looking forward to seeing you.