37th 2024 Ageo City Half Marathon

Date November 17, 2024
Start/Finish Ageo City, Saitama Prefecture Ageo Undo Koen Athletics Stadium Saitama Japan
Registration period From July 1, 2024 Open until August 31, 2024


Category Start time Registration Fee Status
▼Half Marathon
1) Half Marathon: Men’s College Student Category (Gakuren registrants) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
2) Half Marathon: Men’s Category (Japan Rikuren registrants) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
3) Half Marathon:Women’s Category (Japan Rikuren registrants) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
4) Half Marathon:Men’s Category(High School to Age 39 Category) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
5) Half Marathon:Men’s Category(Age 40-49 Category) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
6) Half Marathon:Men’s Category(Age 50-59 Category) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
7) Half Marathon:Men’s Category(Age 60-69 Category) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
8) Half Marathon:Men’s Category(Age 70+ Category) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
9) Half Marathon:Women’s Category(High School to Age 39 Category) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
10) Half Marathon:Women’s Category(Age 40-49 Category) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
11) Half Marathon:Women’s Category(Age 50-59 Category) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
12) Half Marathon:Women’s Category(Age 60+ Category) 09:00 ¥7,000 (JPY) Open
13) 5km:Men’s Category(High School to Age 39 Category) 09:15 ¥4,000 (JPY) Open
14) 5km:Men’s Category(Age 40-49 Category) 09:15 ¥4,000 (JPY) Open
15) 5km:Men’s Category(Age 50-59 Category) 09:15 ¥4,000 (JPY) Open
16) 5km:Men’s Category(Age 60-69 Category) 09:15 ¥4,000 (JPY) Open
17) 5km:Men’s Category(Age 70+ Category) 09:15 ¥4,000 (JPY) Open
18) 5km:Women’s Category(High School to Age 39 Category) 09:15 ¥4,000 (JPY) Open
19) 5km:Women’s Category(Age 40-49 Category) 09:15 ¥4,000 (JPY) Open
20) 5km:Women’s Category(Age 50-59 Category) 09:15 ¥4,000 (JPY) Open
21) 5km:Women’s Category(Age 60+ Category) 09:15 ¥4,000 (JPY) Open
22) 5km:Men’s Category(Junior high school students) 09:15 ¥1,000 (JPY) Open
23) 3km:Men’s Category(5th grade in elementary school) 11:40 ¥500 (JPY) Open
24) 3km:Women’s Category(5th grade in elementary school) 11:45 ¥500 (JPY) Open
25) 3km:Men’s Category(6th grade in elementary school) 11:40 ¥500 (JPY) Open
26) 3km:Women’s Category(6th grade in elementary school) 11:45 ¥500 (JPY) Open
27) 3km:Women’s Category(Junior high school students) 11:45 ¥1,000 (JPY) Open


Options Fee Status
【If you need parking】
※If you need parking, please check “Add” in “Parking Ticket (free) Advanced Application”
※After checking, “Add” will be indicated in green
※500 parking spaces available
Parking Ticket for participant (free)※Apply in advance Free(JPY) Open

Event Details

Date November 17, 2024
Start/Finish Ageo City, Saitama Prefecture Ageo Undo Koen Athletics Stadium Saitama Japan
Registration period From July 1, 2024 Open until August 31, 2024
Office Address Ageo City Board of Education, Sports Promotion Division
Ageo City Half Marathon Executive Committee Office
3-1-1 Honcho, Ageo-shi, Saitama-ken
Phone number 048-781-8112(Mon~Fri[Excluding holidays]9:00~17:00)
Fax number 048-755-6608
PR This course runs from the urban area of Ageo City to the suburbs of lush greenery. As the course is flat with few ups and downs, good times are expected. The half course is WA/JAAF certified. Many schools regularly seen in the Hakone Ekiden will be participating so you can experience running side by side with top runners.
Maximum number of runners 【Half】5,500 people
【5km】1,500 people
【3km】1,200 people
※ registrations will close during the appilcation period if the maximum number is reached.
Eligibility ・You must be in good health
・Elementary and junior high school students must have approval from parents or guardians to participate.
・You must be able to complete the marathon within the time limit
・You must reside in Japan
Features of the course 【Half】
Start/Finish at Public Road (Haraichi Kawagoe Line) Ageo Undo Koen Athletics Stadium looping around Ageo City (Sekai Rikuren, Japan Rikuren official course)

The Ageo City Loop Course to start and finish at Ageo Undo Koen Athletic Park Track & Field Stadium
Record Measurement exist
Participation Prize T-shirt
※Eligibility: Half, 5km (except junior high school students)
Awards 1st to 8th places in each category (Certificate and prize)
Certificate of Completion No online certificate of completion on the day of the event.
Participation notice Number cards, programs and other materials will be mailed out by the Entry Center in Early November.
For inquiry, please contact below.
● Ageo City Marathon Entry Center: TEL 048-778-5880 (Monday-Friday 10:00-17:00)
Water Station 4 Points (5.5k, 10k, 16k, 19k)
Distance Marks in kilometers Every 1k and at mid-point
Competition Rules ・In accordance with the rules of the Japan Association of Athletics Federations and the following competition rules
・Half time limit (after the first gun signal of each category)
 1. 2 hours and 30 minutes (entry to the competition site will be restricted).
 2. Cut off time limit (at 15 km point) will be 1 hour and 55 minutes.
Contact address Ageo City Marathon Entry Center
Yuko Bldg. #7 Techno Plan Corp.
1-16-3 Asamadai, Ageo-shi, Saitama-ken
Parking Advance application required, first-come-first-served basis; closes when the fixed number (500 cars, free) is reached.
By Train Approx. 20-minute walk from Ageo Station on JR Takasaki Line
By Bus East Exit of Ageo Station on JR Takasaki Line
Take: City Loop Bus "Gurutto-kun", Haraichi Hiratsuka Loop Route (arriving at Suijo Koen faster)
Get off at Ageo Undo Koen, walk one minute.
By Car Approx. 30 minutes from Yono IC of the Shuto Express Way, Saitama Omiya Route
Approx. 20 minutes from Okegawa Kano IC of Ken-o-do Express Way
Notices ・Please be sure to bring your race bib (number card sent in advance) on the day of the event. Please do not remove the IC tag attached to the race bib. Reissuing race bibs will cost 1,000 yen.
・Accidents occurred during the event will be covered within the scope of the executive office's non-life insurance policy.
・Participants should be responsible for managing their own health and to undergo a medical exam by a physician in advance.
・It is your responsibility to manage own baggage. Pay coin lockers will be available.
・The parking lot for the participants in the Saitama Suijo-koen is only available with a pre-purchased parking ticket. The parking tickets will be available in advance on a first-come-first-served basis for a limited number of vehicles. (500 cars, free)
・There is a time limit in the half marathon category. When the time limit expires, participants should promptly leave the track and follow instructions of the race organizers on site. The stadium gate will be closed to runners at 11:40.
・ Please line up at the designated area at the starting point according to the time assigned at the time of registration.
・Information about the event may change significantly due the status of the COVID-19 infection level.
Event policy・Disclaimer Participants must agree to the following conditions before applying.
1. Cancellation after application due to personal reasons will not be accepted, and overpayments and duplicate deposit will not be refunded.
2. Participation fee will not be refunded for cancellation or event reduction due to earthquake, natural disaster, inclement weather, accident, pandemic , or unforeseen occurrences.
3. Please pay attention to your health and participate in the marathon after sufficient training and without heart disease. Please participate at your own risk in case of accidents, injuries, lost items, etc.
4. After the race has started, if the organizer determines that continuing is impossible, immediately follow the organizer's instructions to terminate the competition. Please follow the organizer's safety and event-management instructions.
5. In order to have a smooth and safe start, runners will be assigned to a waiting area according to your "declared running time". If no time is stated, you will be assigned to the last waiting area.
6. The organizer will give first aid in case of illness or injuries occurring during the event, but will not accept any responsibility for its method or process. This includes COVID-19 related cases.
7. The organizer will not be liable for damages related to accidents, injuries, illness, lost or stolen items, etc. occurring during the event.
8. Compensation for accidents and injuries occurring during the event will be covered within the scope of the organizer's insurance.
9. False declarations of age, gender, etc., and participation by anyone other than the applicant (substitute runner) are not allowed. If they are discovered, you will be required to follow the organizer's decision to cancel participation, commendation, or disqualification to future participation, etc. The organizer will not take any responsibility for false declarations, substitute runners, rescue, refunds, etc.
10. Personal information given at the event such as name, age, gender, record, likeness, etc. may be reported, posted, or used in newspapers, television, magazines, internet, pamphlets, etc. The organizer holds the right for publication and use.
11. Personal information of the participants will be handled in accordance with the organizer's rules described separately.
12. We ask for your cooperation and consent as part of our COVID-19 infection control measures.
・Wearing of masks is at the discretion of the individual.
 However, it is recommended to wear a mask in congested areas.
・If you are not feeling well (fever, cough, etc.) on the day of the event, please withdraw from the event.
・Please wash your hands and disinfect your hands with alcohol.
・Please observe cough etiquette and do not spit or expectorate, including during the competition.
Personal Information The organizer and contractors recognize the importance of personal information, will strictly comply with the law concerning the protection of personal information and related laws, and will handle personal information based on the privacy policy.
To improve the service to the participants of the event, we will use the participation guidance, record notification, notification of related information, record announcement (rankings, etc.) for the RUN as ONE-Tokyo Marathon 2026 "General (Japan)" .
※The organizer or Ageo City Half Marathon Entry Center may contact you to confirm the details of your application.
※Names will be displayed in the event program and on athlete bib. Names, score times, and other information will be posted on the Internet.
In addition to using the information for new coronavirus infection control measures, public health centers and medical institutions will be notified in the event of the outbreak among participants or related persons at the event.
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