Help us registar Tottori Uminami Road as a National Cycle Route!

The CYCLE CARNIVAL has been held in this area of stunning natural beauty that also has many ancient ruins. The Japan Sea is to the north and Mount Daisen (A.K.A. Hoki Fuji) is to the south.
Let’s travel around the area by bicycle and feel the flow of eternal time.
We offer courses where you can enjoy both of Sanin’s charms: the mountains and the sea.
For the first time since 2019, the cycling course (A.K.A. Beginners 38km Water Way Course) will be revived as a beginner course in addition to the Classic 70km Course.
And the Cycle Marche (market) will be held again at the finish line, HIEZU SEASIDE SPORTS PARK on the same day!
※Locations for the parking lot, starting point, and finish line are all different and there is no transportation service. Please make sure to arrive with plenty of time to allow for traffic.
Parking area is 3.5km away from the starting point in YAMATO PARK SPORTS SQUARE and it is 2km away from the finish line in HIEZU SEASIDE SPORTS PARK.

Transferring charge will be automatically added to the entry fee.
[Processing Fee]
4,001 yen~ :5.3% of entry fee + 220yen
